Northern Uganda

This started as the on-line journal of Africa Anonymous while she was an Graduate Fellow researching and working in Northern Uganda. You gotta be good. You gotta be strong. You gotta be 2,000 places at once.

Monday, January 31, 2005

Ndere Dance Center

Ndere Dance Troop in Ntinda: This is a dance troop composed of dancers from all over Uganda. They perform every Sunday in the Ntinda district of Kampala, with dances ranging from those of the Acholi, to the Baganda, to the Banyakole, Karamojong,
Banyarwanda and what have you. For less than $2, you get three solid hours of music and dancing. One of these ladies succeeded in dancing and singing with SEVEN pots on her head (more like flower vases).


  • At 2:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Or this is remarkable keep it up am so delighted to see that you have a web sight this will enable some of your funs abroad to keep up dated really your dances are nice and your so organised God bless you

  • At 4:22 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Ndere troop is now in Trinidad and Tobago for our 170th anniversary of
    Emancipation from slavery. I saw them perform and I immediately felt a spiritual connection. On Emancipation Day (August 1st.), they were part of the street parade and again their performance was outstanding. Such grace and agility from the dancers! The music was also lovely, haunting melodies that touched your soul and made you long to hear more, to feel more to know ...


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